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About Us
Who We Are and What We Do
What We Stand For
St. Louis Animal Rights Team is a not-for-profit educational/activist group, formed in 1985, and incorporated as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization in 1988.
Our goals:​
â–º Educate society about the rights of all species to live freely and die naturally
â–º Expose the harm and suffering caused by the denial of animals’ natural rights
â–º Promote the adoption of lifestyles compatible with the animal rights philosophy
â–º Promote the reform of social institutions to be compatible with animal rights

MetroLink Station Ad against Ringling Bros.
Just one of many such ads START financed

Tilles Park 'Winter Wonderland'
Demo for carriage horses

Anti-Vivisection Billboards
START erected around the City

MetroLink Station Ad against Ringling Bros.
Just one of many such ads START financed
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